In the aftermath of the destruction caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Cooling Towers LLC has developed and implemented a Cooling Tower Emergency and Disaster Response Plan. This plan is designed to ensure that materials, manpower and other resources are immediately available to achieve one simple objective; bringing your cooling tower back online as quickly as possible.
Stocked and staffed to handle your emergency cooling tower needs during hurricane season
During hurricane season, many essential materials are in short supply. With the approach of every yearly hurricane season, Cooling Towers LLC dramatically increases its stock of these materials in an effort to have them instantly available to our customers, especially in a cooling tower emergency. Additionally, we have expanded our recruitment efforts and our portfolio of qualified craftsmen. This allows Cooling Towers LLC to deploy professional, competent cooling tower repair crews nationwide, usually within 24 hours or less or as soon as safely possible.

We have a reputation of excellence, reliability and superior customer service. We would like to demonstrate to you that true quality workmanship is second nature to our crews and management team. We look forward to servicing your needs!
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